Create Discount Codes for Ticket Sales

Knowledge Base > Auction How-To’s > Bidding FAQ’s > Create Discount Codes for Ticket Sales

in Auction How-To’sBidding FAQ’s

Do you have early bird tickets or would like to provide a discount to your sponsors? Follow these steps in order create discount codes for your ticket sales:

Step 1) After logging into your auction admin account, click ‘Tickets,’ then ‘Manage Tickets.’


Step 2) On the ‘Manage Tickets’ screen, click on the name of your auction.

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Step 3) In the menu on the left-hand side of your screen, click ‘Sell Event Tickets,’ then ‘Discount Codes.’

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Step 4) Click on the green ‘Create Discount Code’ button on the right side of your screen.


Step 5) Enter all of the required information. Keep in mind, all Discount Codes are case sensitive! The discount can be a flat dollar amount or percentage of your ticket price. You have the ability to set the number of uses per guest, and customize the lifespan of the code. When all of the correct information has been entered, click ‘Save.’