Edit Items in Bulk

Knowledge Base > Auction How-To’s > Edit Items in Bulk

in Auction How-To’s

Need to make changes to multiple items at once? Follow these steps to edit your auction items in bulk:

Step 1) Click on ‘Auctions’ then ‘Manage Auctions.’

A25D7262 5683 46B3 A79C 29AEAD6852A9 4 5005 c

Step 2) Click on the name of your auction.

6FE95A65 F2D1 4538 8061 4A91642D1F3D 4 5005 c

Step 3) On your auction Dashboard, click on ‘Items’ then ‘All Items.’

A0260955 D61D 4BCF A4DC 061D393587D2 4 5005 c

Step 4) Put a check next to each or all item(s) you would like to bulk edit. Check to make sure you have the correct number of selected items by looking at the number of total items listed next to ‘Bulk actions.’

14FC44BA 6324 4FB8 BB26 F09361CE932D 4 5005 c

Step 5) Click on the arrow next to ‘Bulk actions.’ A dropdown list will appear.

15984714 8998 4BBE 8A1C F772C6C87F99 4 5005 c

When the drop-down list appears, you will have the option(s) to:

Edit Items – You have the option to apply quantity, start/end time, starting bid amounts, bid increments, shipping costs, etc. to multiple items at once.

Delete – You can remove multiple items at once.

Copy Items:  You can create an exact replica of an item without the hassle of completing listing information again.

Transfer:  You can transfer up to 50 items to another one of your auctions on our platform.

Bundle Items:  You can bundle multiple items into one singular item for bidding.

Approve:  You may simultaneously approve multiple items that have been donated to your auction.