What is Popcorn Bidding?

Knowledge Base > General FAQ’s > What is Popcorn Bidding?

in General FAQ’s

If a bid is placed during the last 5 minutes of the auction, the closing time will be automatically extended for an additional five minutes from the time the last bid was placed. The item will close once all bidding activity has stopped.

This is recommended for high value and popular items. Popcorn bidding prevents bidders from waiting until the last minute to bid without giving the bidders who were outbid an opportunity to rebid.

How to Turn Popcorn Bidding On and Off

Step 1) Click “Auctions,” then “Manage Auctions.”

A25D7262 5683 46B3 A79C 29AEAD6852A9 4 5005 c

Step 2) Click on the name of your auction.

6FE95A65 F2D1 4538 8061 4A91642D1F3D 4 5005 c

Step 3) On your auction’s Dashboard, click on “Items,” then “Add Items.”

Step 4) Scroll down until you see the “Popcorn bidding” option. Click either “Yes” or “No” to turn that function on/off. Once all changes have been made, click “Save and exit.”